The journey of the F-TYPE actually starts with the E-TYPE, an iconic British car produced from 1961 and 1975, recently put back in the public eye in the 5th season of Mad Men. Ranking first in the telegraphs “100 most beautiful cars”, the E-TYPE is rumoured to have been called “the most beautiful car of all time” by Enzo Ferrari himself – though this has never been confirmed.
A hop, skip and a 25 year jump later, the F-TYPE makes its first appearance in the British Motor Museum, Gaydon, in the year 2000. For those knowing the F-TYPE launched in 2013, this may seem surprising, but having been taken over by Ford in ’89, the priorities of Jaguar were changing. In 2002 the F-TYPE concept was scrapped, having failed to make large scale production feasible, in what ended up a trade-off with Jaguar’s Formula 1 investments.